Conference und association management for "not for profit" organisations

In addition to conducting own courses and conferences in Germany many international organisations rely on Concept Heidelberg’s services for planning and organising international events – like the European Compliance Academy (ECA), the CEFIC/APIC, the European Fine Chemicals Group (EFCG), the Paul- Ehrlich-Institut as well as the University of Heidelberg’s Institute of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (IPMB) and the University of Munich.

On behalf of the ECA, for instance, we organise more than 50 international events throughout Europe – like in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Basle, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan, Prague, Stockholm, Vienna and Warsaw. The courses and conferences cover the most diverse needs – as participants from more than 20 countries every year prove:

  • GMP seminars and courses demonstrate the practice-oriented implementation of regulatory requirements. In addition, the ECA GMP Certificate Programme enables participants to complete an internationally accepted qualification.
  • At conferences, leading experts from industry and authority present current regulatory developments and trends, allowing delegates to get an update on the latest issues and regulatory requirements as well as to receive potential solution approaches. They further provide delegates with the opportunity to exchange their experience with colleagues from other companies and representatives from international authorities like FDA, BfArM, EMEA, PIC/S, SwissMedic, and WHO.

To find out more about international events organised in co-operation with other organisations, please visit the following websites:

Further information
